Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on Faith

Sermon for 7th Sunday after Trinity (and 25th anniversary of ordination as a priest) – 14th July 2024

“The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest’. (Matthew 9.31) One of the saddest sights is to see fruit and vegetables go to waste because they are not harvested at all or are damaged before they can be picked. I remember witnessing this on a trip to the…

Sermon for the 6th Sunday after Trinity – 7th July 2024

“Son of man!”. “Child of humans!”. “Daughter of woman”. “I am sending you to my stubborn people”. In the Hebrew, Son of Man basically means “human” in this passage. And so Ezekiel is commissioned to his job and calling. Go to stubborn people. What a job – being sent to the people of God who long ago stopped living as God’s people.…

Sermon for the 5th Sunday after Trinity – 30th June 2024

‘Do not invite death by the error of your life, Or bring on destruction by the works on your hands. Because God did not make death, And he does not delight in the death of the living (Wisdom 1.12-13) These are timely words for us from the Wisdom of Solomon for we live in a world which often feels characterised by a…

Sermon for the 4th Sunday after Trinity – 23rd June 2024

If you just had more faith …… Our Bible reading from Job and the story of the calming of the storm in Mark’s Gospel today can leave us with the feeling that if we just had rather more faith, everything would be fine.  We’d be better Christians, freed from anxieties and costly emotions, and set free to serve God in the kind…

Sermon for the Day of Pentecost – 19th May 2024

Christine Housel – AI Ethics Adviser The disciples were all together in one place, we learn that it was early in the morning. Unlike several weeks earlier, in the Upper Room, where they were mourning, grieving, disappointed, fearful, and discombobulated, today they are full of anticipation for what’s next. Why? Because they have seen the risen Lord. They have seen the marks…