Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on Worship

Sermon for the 4th Sunday after Trinity – 23rd June 2024

If you just had more faith …… Our Bible reading from Job and the story of the calming of the storm in Mark’s Gospel today can leave us with the feeling that if we just had rather more faith, everything would be fine.  We’d be better Christians, freed from anxieties and costly emotions, and set free to serve God in the kind…

Sermon for the second Sunday of Epiphany – 14th January 2024

Title: The mission to follow Christ without unwilling prejudices. Today we are celebrating the second Sunday of Epiphany after we remembered last Sunday the visit of the wise men to the Christ Child and the importance of Jesus’s physical manifestation to the Gentiles. In different ways, we are regularly following people, leaders, creators of public opinion. When I was a child, I…