Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on Isaiah

Sermon for Safeguarding Sunday – 12th May 2024

Safeguarding Sunday Some of you may have wondered why safeguarding is important and why we are putting such a focus on ensuring that those involved in leadership and helping roles in the church have received appropriate safeguarding training. If that was the case, then I hope what Carol and Rawsette have said today will have shown you just why it is so…

Sermon on the Feast of the Epiphany – celebrated 7 January 2024

Taking another road Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany which in the Eastern Church focuses on the baptism of Christ whereas in the West, it focuses mainly but not exclusively on the visit of the Magi to Jesus and the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. It also brings the traditional twelve days of Christmas celebrations to an end…

Sermon for Sunday 10th December 2023 – the Second Sunday of Advent

One of my favourite memories of Christmas Eve when I was a child, was polishing silver.  It may seem an implausible pleasure but it is true.  My mother had about six silver bowls, some small and others medium-sized which were carefully stored away during the year.  On Christmas Eve, they would be ceremoniously brought out of the cupboard, wrapped in last year’s…

Sermon for Holy Trinity on Sunday 22nd October 2023, the 20th Sunday after Trinity

Render unto Caesar ‘Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s’ (Matthew 22.22). These words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s gospel, have sparked lively and often controversial debate between church and state ever since.  They’re often taken to mean that Christians should observe a firm division between their life of…