Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons by Revd Glen Ruffle

Sermon for the 6th Sunday after Trinity – 7th July 2024

“Son of man!”. “Child of humans!”. “Daughter of woman”. “I am sending you to my stubborn people”. In the Hebrew, Son of Man basically means “human” in this passage. And so Ezekiel is commissioned to his job and calling. Go to stubborn people. What a job – being sent to the people of God who long ago stopped living as God’s people.…

Sermon for Sunday 7th April 2024

A few weeks ago I started a Thursday morning service with this terrible joke: “Did anyone know Communism would fail? Well, there were just so many red flags…” And yet in our reading today from the book of Acts, we had a story of the early church living as, it would seem, like communists! Private property was no more! The people of…

Sermon for Sunday 10th March 2024

Sermon John 3:15-21 Snakes get a rum deal in our society. They slither along on their bellies, flickering their tongues and very often scare ladies. I was in a zoo once and they got out this big boa constrictor, and the keeper stood, holding the snake, and we could all touch it.  Obviously, as a brave man, I was not scared… but…

Sermon for Sunday next before Lent – 11th February 2024

Sermon: Dedication! 2 Kings 2:1-12; 2 Cor 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 People of a certain age, who grew up in England, might remember a children’s TV show called Record Breakers. In this show, Roy Castle, an actor, went around finding people who were breaking Guiness World Records, and sometimes, Roy and his team would join in or break the records themselves. But the…