Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Contact:  Mark Charles, Director of Music

We believe that all our music, sacred and secular, has its origin in God the Trinity, who is the source of all human creativity. We acknowledge, along with J S Bach, that all our music should be‘to the glory of God’; also that in our music-making ‘Jesus is our helper’, and that ‘where there is devotional music, God is always there by his Spirit.’

Holy Trinity Choir

We are a mixed, robed choir specialising in the repertoire of the Anglican liturgy from early Renaissance to present-day. We meet every Thursday at 20.00 for rehearsal, and we sing at most 10.30 and 18.00 services on Sundays. Any one with an interest in singing please contact Mark Charles.

Recent highlights include a second three day residency in Chichester Cathedral in 2022,  with the next residency planned at Llandaff Cathedral in 2024; the annual carol service at Geneva Cathedral on Christmas Eve ; an ecumenical service on Easter Eve, also at Geneva Cathedral, televised on Léman Bleu; a performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion on Good Friday.

We have an extensive library of the best of English and European composers, including a few settings from members of our choir.  Our monthly diet includes Choral Evensongs and Masses, Sung Matins and Compline are included once a quarter in the months which have a fifth Sunday.  For further details please see the current music list.

To see what some members of the choir say about their experiences, please see:

HTC Junior Choir

We have a choir practice every Sunday after the 10.30 service, and sing in the Family Communion on the fourth Sunday of every month. You can come to Sunday School at 10.30 down in the hall for fun activities and Bible stories and stay on to the rehearsal,  join in the service upstairs,  join in the Youth Group, or join us at 11.45 for practice. Boys and girls of all ages are equally welcome, from as young as 6, if you can already read.  Apart from that, you just need to enjoy singing.

HTC Community Choir

The Community Choir, is a popular and growing activity, so do feel free to join in, and encourage others to join.  No particular signing ability is needed – just enthusiasm to join in with the rest of the group!

Rehearsals are at 18.30 on Thursday evenings in our church hall – open to all and everyone very welcome.  A concert jointly with the Junior Choir is planned shortly. 

Voice for Life

Through our membership of the Royal School of Church Music, our young singers have the opportunity to achieve awards in terms of medals and certificates. These are based on training in all aspects of worship music and the Christian Faith, via a well-devised series of instruction books and tests called ‘Voice for Life’.

Concerts, recitals, organ vespers

Our newly refurbished church is an excellent venue for concerts and organ recitals, some given by our own choirs and organists and others by visiting or guest musicians.  Please refer to our ‘news’ and ‘events’ posts for up-coming events. 

Contact our Director of Music, Mark Charles., if you are interested in renting our space for a musical event. 

The Organ

A much treasured musical resource is the two-manual organ by Kuhn of Männedorf. Built in 1985, it represents the highest craftsmanship of the Swiss school of organ-building. Though small, it adapts very well to many different musical styles. In 2016 the organ underwent extensive restoration including the addition of electronic playing aids.

Choral Scholarships

To encourage students on vocal courses, we are offering bursaries. Please ask for the Choral Scholarship leaflet via Mark Charles.

Organ Scholarship

To encourage organ students and give them much needed experience accompanying liturgy, we are offering free organ tuition to young organists. Please ask for the Organ Scholarship leaflet via Mark Charles.

Join our Music Programme at HTC

Our three services each Sunday at Holy Trinity reflect the diversity of today’s worshiping community – with at least one using the language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, and one in contemporary language with a mixture of contemporary and traditional hymns. Based on a mobile community, we are regularly saying ‘farewell’ to members whose jobs have reached the end of their term – so we are always keen to welcome new members.

If you would like to join any of our groups, or if you have a vocal or instrumental gift to offer for any kind of occasion, please contact:

Mark Charles, Director of Music

Claire Charles, Director Junior Choir

We also welcome any financial donations to the music programme which costs CHF 1000 per week. Information about donating is available on our Giving page. Please mark any donations specifically for the Music Programme. Thank you.