Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on Jesus (Page 2)

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Sermon for Sunday 17th December 2023 – Third Sunday of Advent: John the Baptist, the Witness, the Negater and the Warner

One more week to go!  And so we have the third Sunday in Advent, when we remember John the Baptist by lighting the third candle. John the Baptist does three things: he puts himself down to raise Jesus up. He gives us evidence. He cautions us to not get lazy. He raises Jesus up. He gives us evidence. He cautions us to…

Sermon for Holy Trinity on Sunday 22nd October 2023, the 20th Sunday after Trinity

Render unto Caesar ‘Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s’ (Matthew 22.22). These words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s gospel, have sparked lively and often controversial debate between church and state ever since.  They’re often taken to mean that Christians should observe a firm division between their life of…

Sermon for Holy Trinity on Sunday 10 September 2023 – 2nd Sunday of the Season of Creation

Energy One of our most enduring hymns which has survived and indeed flourished since it was first written by Isaac Watts in the early 18th century is ‘Jesus shall reign where’er the sun’.  The first verse goes as follows: ‘Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and…

Sermon for Holy Trinity Geneva on Sunday 19th February 2023   – The last Sunday before Lent

Glimpsing Glory We are about to start the holy season of Lent which begins with Ash Wednesday next week.  It is a solemn time and one which we are encouraged by the church to observe faithfully and with rigour. I’ll be speaking later in this sermon about ways in which we may prepare to do this. But today, just before Lent begins,…

Sermon on Sunday 29th January 2023

The Wedding at Cana January can be a grim month, particularly here in Northern Europe. All the joys and excitements of Christmas are over; the festive food and wine finished and in some cases, the penitential diets begun; we realise we’ve probably overspent in our desire to celebrate well and offer gifts to loved ones; and to cap it all, the sky…