Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on John (Page 2)

Sermon on Sunday 30th April 2023

 Recognizing, listening, and following the voice of our shepherd as the pathway towards a really meaningful and everlasting life. As you know, every year Easter reveals the divine purpose to initiate a new resurrected world. As Daphne reminded us on Easter Sunday, Jesus is inviting us to celebrate with deep joy that He is risen from the dead. The cross of death…

Sermon on Sunday 29th January 2023

The Wedding at Cana January can be a grim month, particularly here in Northern Europe. All the joys and excitements of Christmas are over; the festive food and wine finished and in some cases, the penitential diets begun; we realise we’ve probably overspent in our desire to celebrate well and offer gifts to loved ones; and to cap it all, the sky…

Sermon for Sunday 15 January 2023, the Second Sunday of Epiphany at Holy Trinity Geneva

Responding to God’s Call I had a great aunt who used to say, “Many are called but few get up”.  It was a rather irreverent take on the words of St Matthew’s Gospel “Many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22. 14) but perceptive.   Despite the apparent irreverence, she was a profoundly strong woman of faith who lived out her faith…