Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

Sermons on Acts

Sermon for the Day of Pentecost – 19th May 2024

Christine Housel – AI Ethics Adviser The disciples were all together in one place, we learn that it was early in the morning. Unlike several weeks earlier, in the Upper Room, where they were mourning, grieving, disappointed, fearful, and discombobulated, today they are full of anticipation for what’s next. Why? Because they have seen the risen Lord. They have seen the marks…

Sermon for Safeguarding Sunday – 12th May 2024

Safeguarding Sunday Some of you may have wondered why safeguarding is important and why we are putting such a focus on ensuring that those involved in leadership and helping roles in the church have received appropriate safeguarding training. If that was the case, then I hope what Carol and Rawsette have said today will have shown you just why it is so…

Sermon for Sunday 7th April 2024

A few weeks ago I started a Thursday morning service with this terrible joke: “Did anyone know Communism would fail? Well, there were just so many red flags…” And yet in our reading today from the book of Acts, we had a story of the early church living as, it would seem, like communists! Private property was no more! The people of…

Sermon on Sunday 30th April 2023

 Recognizing, listening, and following the voice of our shepherd as the pathway towards a really meaningful and everlasting life. As you know, every year Easter reveals the divine purpose to initiate a new resurrected world. As Daphne reminded us on Easter Sunday, Jesus is inviting us to celebrate with deep joy that He is risen from the dead. The cross of death…