Holy Trinity Church

Anglican worship in Geneva

The Holy Trinity Choir – a personal reflection on why being a member of the choir is so enjoyable – Part 1

“Really fun choir!!

My faith is extremely important to me. Classical music has always been an instrumental part of my life (alongside my family, sports & many other things). Singing in the fantastic and dedicated choir at Holy Trinity here in Switzerland has therefore been just beautiful.

Organist & director Mark Charles is simply fantastic.

Highlights have been Faure’s Requiem (being the Baritone soloist was a real high!) and the joint mass with The Roman Catholic Paroisse St Thérèse.

As one of the younger members of the choir, I must say the relationships between all members of the choir is so vibrant and strong. I’ve had many wonderful and insightful conversations with my older (in some cases much older!) counterparts!

My special love is the sacred music of the Renaissance, particularly music of the 1500s (Monteverdi, Victoria, Gabrieli etc.). I’m so grateful for such a friendly outlet for Choral music here in Geneva. The blended repertoire from the European and English choral canon is amazing.

A bubbly, smiley & joyful choral atmosphere here in lovely Switzerland. Pretty cool, indeed! Highly recommend it to anyone!