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On The Way session - "Mission Possible: My Best Application" - a great success!

The latest On The Way session, with the title: "Mission Possible: My Best Application" was a great success, with around 20 participants who found it both uplifting and inspiring. Rooted in Gospel teachings, the discussions reminded us of our unique call to serve God and the world, following the guidance of “Ask, Seek, Knock” from the Gospel of Matthew.


A special thanks to our speakers, Ana-Victoria and Raphael. Participants were encouraged to reach out to them, with an option to connect with Mikkel Bjerre-Poulsen for personalized CV and interview support. We will also share additional materials from Ana-Victoria soon.


Please save the date for our next event on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 PM: "Thirst for Truth: Corporate Social Responsibility, an Illusion?" with an inspiring speaker.

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