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IMPORTANT - Renewal of Electoral Role

Every 6 years the Church of England requires us to prepare a new electoral roll, with both old and new worshipping members signing up! 

Our AGM tales place on 4th May 2025,  so we are asking you all to complete the necessary form by 20th April 2025, the deadline for completion.

Enrolment forms and an explanatory note can be found at the back of the Church (as from Sunday 9th February 2025) or on the website (  We will also contact those already on the Electoral roll by e-mail. 

Enrolment allows you to vote and is a sign that you worship regularly with church; eligibility to join is from age 16.  (All forms must be signed. ) 


Completed forms can be handed to a sidesperson or one of the people listed below; or a scanned copy can emailed to the Church Office

The existing Electoral Roll and the formal notice of renewal are required to be displayed and you will find them in the Church porch.  

We very much encourage you to join the Electoral Roll, if you are eligible.  If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact :

Sonia Gunton, Electoral Roll Officer,;

Mary Talbot, Churchwarden,;

Canon Daphne Green, Chaplain,



Case postale 1627

14b Rue du Mont Blanc

1201 Geneva


+41 (22) 731 51 55


Sundays at 09:00, 10:30 & 18:00 plus weekday services Wednesday and Thursday.

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© 2024 Holy Trinity Geneva

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