Enriching our worship through music

A rich tradition
For more information on our Music Programme please also follow our HTC music accounts on social media:
Holy Trinity Church Geneva (HTC) has a rich musical tradition. Under the leadership of our Music Director Mark Charles, we are blessed to include music throughout our many services, through our choir and junior choir, as well as hosting special concerts throughout the year. The church welcomes organ students throughout the year, to help foster continued interest in maintaining the importance of music to the Anglican liturgy.
Music is also an important part of our community outreach through our community choir. For more information on our music ministry at HTC please contact Mark Charles, and watch for upcoming activities on our events page.
Our newly renovated church, including a grand piano, are also available for rental; please see more information here.

HTC Choir
Holy Trinity Church Geneva maintains an active and diverse choir capable of sustaining the full repertoire of the Anglican liturgy from early Renaissance to present-day. The choir meets every Thursday at 20h for rehearsal, and sings at most 10h30 and 18h00 services on Sundays. The choir also travels for annual outings and meets regularly socially. Click here for more information on the choir and its repertoire.
Junior Choir
Under the leadership of Claire Charles, we are fortunate to be able to offer a Junior Choir program for children from 6 years old and upwards. Our vibrant Junior Choir practices on Sundays after the 10h30 service, and performs throughout the year including at our monthly All-Ages Services and special services.

Community Choir
Our Community Choir is a popular and growing activity, aimed at members of the church and broader community, singing a range of contemporary music. The choir is intended to be a fun community activity, so please feel free to join in, and encourage others to join. No particular signing ability is needed – just enthusiasm to join in with the rest of the group! Rehearsals are at 18.30 on Thursday evenings in our church hall – open to all and everyone very welcome.
Concerts and recitals
Our newly refurbished church is an excellent venue for concerts and organ recitals, some given by our own choirs and organists, and others by visiting or guest musicians. Please refer to our ‘news’ and ‘events’ posts for up-coming events. Contact our Director of Music, Mark Charles., if you are interested in renting our space for a musical event.

The Organ
A much treasured musical resource is the two-manual organ by Kuhn of Männedorf. Built in 1985, it represents the highest craftsmanship of the Swiss school of organ-building. Though small, it adapts very well to many different musical styles. In 2016 the organ underwent extensive restoration, including the addition of electronic playing aids. To encourage organ students and give them much needed experience accompanying liturgy, we are offering free organ tuition to young organists. Please ask for the Organ Scholarship leaflet via Mark Charles.