Get Involved
There are numerous ways to get involved in our life at Holy Trinity Church Geneva (HTC) and our broader community from one-off volunteer commitments to ongoing ministries. Please be sure to check this page often for new opportunities. If there is an opportunity that interests you please contact the ministry lead (see document) or the church office.
HTC maintains an active and diverse choir (with both adult and junior sections) capable of sustaining the full repertoire of the Anglican liturgy from early Renaissance to present-day. The choir meets every Thursday at 20h for rehearsal, and sings at most 10h30 and 18h00 services on Sundays. We are always eager to welcome new voices. For more information please contact Mark Charles.
Junior Church / Youth Ministry
Our vibrant and active Junior Church and Youth Ministry programmes are in need of adult volunteers to help with weekly lessons and to provide a range of different ways for our younger members to learn about, practice and celebrate the Christian faith. For more information please contact our youth leader Armel Ayegnon.
Jardin de Montbrilliant
The Jardin de Montbrillant is owned by the canton of Geneva and provides a range of services for those in need, including a daily hot meal at 11:30. For many years, HTC has joined other community groups in serving a hot lunch one Saturday every month. Liz Kernen is the lead organiser for our church and organises a sign-up sheet for volunteers each month. Please watch for updates on our news page and in the weekly Friday email update..
Tech Team
Our tech team is critical to ensuring we are able to broadcast our 10h30 Sunday services, and other special services. Technical expertise is not necessary, just a knowledge of computers and a willingness to learn. Please contact the church office for more information.
Services Rota
Our services rely heavily on participation by the congregation. We welcome volunteers to serve as welcomers, readers, sidespersons and intercessors during our services. For more information please contact church office or the Chaplain.
Hospitality Rota
Tea and coffee time following our 9h and 10h30 are an important part of our community life at HTC. We welcome volunteers willing to help prepare the tea and coffee and other refreshments as well as help clean up afterwards. This is not a huge time commitment but an important way to contribute to ensuring our church is a welcoming place for all. Please contact the Chaplain for more information.
Pastoral Care
As Christians we are called to care for and support one another. HTC is blessed with a core group of volunteers, led by our Chaplain, who are trained to assist those in need of additional care. The group provides support in a range of ways in a safe, caring and confidential manner. Please contact the Chaplain if you would like to volunteer for this important ministry, or if you feel you would like to join the group of volunteers who provide this service.
Our stewardship group is responsible for promoting activities to assist with the donation of time, treasure and talents to help benefit the church. The group organises our yearly Stewardship Fair showcasing the many ways to volunteer with the church, as well as organising a variety of fundraising events to benefit the church. For more information please contact the Chaplain.
Our communications group manages the church website and social media accounts, as well as helps support the promotion of church activities through posters and written communications. For more information please contact the communications team.
HTC Magazine
The church publishes a quarterly HTC Magazine produced by a group of volunteers. You can see the latest issues of the HTC Magazine here. The HTC Magazine is intended to serve as a forum for information and inspiration, and contributions are eagerly sought from our readers and parishioners! Readers and contributors comprise not only current church members but also former parishioners who have moved away from Geneva but still like to keep in touch. There is a strong sense of fellowship and service among the editorial group, and they believe that this modest publication represents a positive outreach by our church. For more information please contact the church office.