Community Outreach
Sharing God's love with the broader community
Below are just some of our community outreach activities. Please sign up for our weekly emails for more information on how you can become involved.
Our church is inspired by our life of worship, to build a compassionate community sharing God’s love in the world. This extends to our wider community in Geneva and the surrounding areas.

Jardin de Montbrilliant
The Jardin de Montbrillant is owned by the Canton of Geneva and provides a range of services for those in need, including a daily hot meal at 11:30. For many years, Holy Trinity has joined other community groups in serving a hot lunch one Saturday every month. Volunteers arrive by 08:30 at Jardin de Montbrillant and spend the morning peeling, cutting, chopping, slicing, washing up, serving, tidying … chatting. Once the doors open at 11:30, people file in and are served from behind a counter by the door – once served, they sit down, eat, rinse their plate and usually two volunteers wash them up so they can be reused immediately. Volunteers can also chat to the people who come – just saying ‘bon appétit’ to one person at a time, giving them individual attention and engaging them in a conversation can be very rewarding. Holy Trinity’s outreach at Jardin de Montbrillant is an excellent way to involve friends who may not be part of the Holy Trinity community and to give back to our broader community. Our involvement is normally over by 13.30 HOW TO GET INVOLVED: Liz Kernen is the lead organiser for our church and will be organising a sign-up sheet for volunteers each month. Please watch for updates on our news page and in the weekly Parish email. (If you cannot commitment to a Saturday morning, we are also looking for volunteers with cars to shop for the food items the day before and drop the groceries off at Jardin de Montbrillant.) For more information please contact Liz (liz@kernen.net) or the chaplain (chaplain@holytrinitygeneva.org). To sign-up to help please go to: https://signup.zone/fbajbAZMnEFZpNntP
Samedi du Partage
Holy Trinity regularly organises teams of volunteers to participate in the twice-yearly Samedi du Partage campaigns, which collect food and hygiene items at local grocery stores for local charities.

Community Choir
Our Community Choir is a popular and growing activity, aimed at members of the church and broader community, singing a range of contemporary music. The choir is intended to be a fun community activity, so please feel free to join in, and encourage others to join. No particular signing ability is needed – just enthusiasm to join in with the rest of the group! Rehearsals are at 18.30 on Thursday evenings in our church hall – open to all and everyone very welcome.
Environmental Clean-up Days
As part of our commitment to the environment, HTC organises teams of volunteers to participate in regular river clean-up days and other environmental initiatives sponsored by the Canton of Geneva.

Thanksgiving Sunday
Our Church designates a particular Sunday each autumn as Thanksgiving Sunday where we collect dry and canned goods for a local food charity and donate our weekly collection to a local or international charity.